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2018年全國同等學力申碩英語真題Passage Four

作者:學歷在線網 來源:學歷在線網 上傳時間:2019-12-10 18:27:36

  Passage Four

  In 1902, Georges Mé s made and released a movie called A Trip to the Moon. In this movie, the spaceship was a small capsule, shaped like a bullet, that was loaded into a giant cannon and aimed at the moon.

  This movie was based on a book that came out many years earlier by an author named Jules Verne. One of the fans of the book was a Russian man, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. The book made him think. Could one really shoot people out of a cannon and have them get safely to the moon? He decided one couldn’t, but it got him thinking of other ways one could get people to the moon. He spent his life considering this problem and came up with many solutions.

  Some of Tsiolkovsky’s solutions gave scientists in America and Russia ideas when they began to think about space travel. They also thought about airplanes they

  and other people had made, and even big bombs that could fly themselves very long distances.

  Many scientists spent years working together to solve the problem. They drew and discussed different designs until they agreed on the ones that were the best. Then, they built small models of those designs, and tested them until they felt ready to build even bigger models. They made full-scale rockets, which they launched without any people inside, to test for safety. Often the rockets weren’t safe, and they exploded right there on the launch pad, or shot off in crazy directions like a balloon that you blow up and release without tying it first. After many, many tests, they started to send small animals into space. Only after a long time did they ever put a person inside a rocket and shoot him into space.

  Even after they began sending people into space, scientists were still trying to improve the shape of the rockets. The design changed many times, and eventually ended up looking like a half-rocket and half-airplane. The machine called space shuttle was used for many years. Now, the government lets private companies try their own designs for spaceships, and they have come up with many different, crazy-looking machines.

  11. In the movie A trip to the Moon, the spaceship was sent to the moon .

  A. in a capsule B. in a bullet C. by a cannon D. by a gun

  12. The movie was based on a book written by .

  A. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky B. an unknown author

  C. Georges Mé sliè D. Jules Verne

  13. Before the invention of a spaceship, possible solutions of space travel included all of the following EXCEPT .

  A. bombs B. balloons C. airplanes D. Rockets

  14. What is Paragraph4 mainly about?

  A. It took a long time and hard work to send a person into space.

  B. American scientists worked better than Russian scientists.

  C. Scientists from Russia and America had close cooperation.

  D. The design of the rocket was inspired by the movie A trip to the moon.

  15. The word “shoot”(Para.4) is closest in meaning to “ ”.

  A. send with great force C. Fix a problem

  break into many pieces D. attack with a weapon.

  Passage Four


  12. 【答案】C



  文章第一句話就描述了寧靜的難得,而作者在海上出行卻能感受到這寧靜時刻,是多么的珍貴。因此選 C 項“心靈的平靜”。

  【誤項排除】A 項“特別的景致”,B 項“完全自由”,D 項“冒險精神”,這三項不符合題意。

  13. 【答案】B


  【解析】本題問的是與 affinity 詞義最接近的是哪一項。

  文章第二段描述了相比飛行,海上出行讓作者感到真實,且約翰·肯尼迪說:“我們與海洋是相連的,是一體的。”因此選 B 項“緊密相聯”。

  【誤項排除】A 項“強烈的情感”,C 項“純粹的興奮”,D 項“令人印象深刻的時刻”,這三項不符合題意。

  14. 【答案】A



  文章第三段主要是海倫 · 奧奇拉描述船離港時,自己的感受,因此選 A 項“海倫 · 奧奇拉”。

  【誤項排除】B 項“維托 · 杜馬”,C 項“凱西 · 溫斯頓”,D 項“約翰 · 肯尼迪”,這三項不符合題意。

  15. 【答案】D


  【解析】本題問的是湯姆·布里特認為乘船出行比乘飛機出行要好的原因是什么。根據人名,定位到文章第四段,湯姆 · 布里特認為在船上可以看到越來越近

  的陸地,讓人興奮。因此選 D 項“提供更為清晰的地面風景”。

  【誤項排除】A 項“讓人陷入深思”,B 項“給乘客更好的放松機會”,C 項“提供更舒適的環境”,這三項不符合題意。

  16. 【答案】C



  整篇文章闡述了海上出行的優點,只有 C 項“提升健康的生活方式”在原文并沒有提及。因此選 C。

  【誤項排除】A 項“友好的家庭生活“,B 項“滿足冒險的心”,D 項“讓人放松”,這三項不符合題意。


  在現如今快節奏的生活中,很難找到一片寧靜。片刻的寧靜似乎是罕見且奇妙的。對我來說,最珍貴的時刻發生在一艘船上。正如傳說中的水手維托 · 杜馬曾說過, “在海上,你才是真正的自己。”在甲板上,享受著令人驚嘆的景色,海風吹走了每日的煩惱。他的觀點值得欣賞。

  飛行是一種痛苦。從喧囂的機場到空間狹隘的機艙,商業航空并沒有什么能吸引我去冒險—或讓我感到舒適。然而,喜歡乘船出行并不只是因為對飛行的恐懼。不論我是在短途的擺渡船上還是在海上航游,海洋給我一種真正的旅行,從船只離港到航向開闊的海域,這種航行令人印象深刻。約翰 · 肯尼迪說:“我們與海洋是一體的。”當我的船駛向一個令人興奮地新目的地時,我感到了一種親切感。


  斯帕蓋蒂旅行博客的創始人湯姆 · 布里特認為,在飛機上很難看清地面,但在船上,看著越來越近的陸地是多少興奮的一件事。

  對于旅行編輯凱西 · 溫斯頓來說,這是一種冒險,即使在從 A 到 B 極為簡單的旅行中,寬廣的海域似乎能讓你去探索新的領域。而在船上的這種浪漫,你在飛機上或高速公路上是無法感受到的。溫斯頓也很重視海上航行帶來的友好家庭生活。她說:“在水上,尤其是和孩子在一起,感覺特別放松。”

